Wednesday, November 29, 2006

A few good books to read

These are not just a few good reads.
These are what I call Life Changers. The experience will be so great , it will literally take your life to a next level.

Psycho Cybernetics - Maltz Maxwell
If you are into copywriting, this is your bible. - The Robert Colliers Letter Book
The pshycology of Persuasion - Robert Cialdini
A happy pocket full of money - David Cameron Gikandi
The Isiah Effect - Greg Braden
The attractor Factor - Mr. Joe Vitale
The 80/20 Principle - I forgot the author but it is about the old Pareto Principle.

If you are into Marketing -
anything by Mark Joyner
The ultimate Sales letter - Dan Kennedy.

Well of course the classics:

How to win friends and influnce people
Think and Grow Rich -
As a Man Thinketh
The Science of Getting Rich

1 comment:

Monk said...

Some other books I would love to get my hands on.
John Lovelock
Peter Russel - The global Brain
Rupert Sheldrake - A new Science of life
Howard bloom - The Global Brain.