Monday, December 4, 2006

Of Darkness, Optimism and Light

I have known a remarkable woman for several years. She is an amazing lady with a keen insight into the inner workings of the universe, and had known a perfect balance between positive thoughts, right focused action. She had pulled me out of disappointment several times with all FAITH.

Did I mention she is the most wonderful woman I have ever met. :-)

Anyway today I have seen her very lost( i use that for a lack of better word).

So here I attempt to remind her own lesson of Faith in my own words.

Guys I think this insight will most definitely help everone too.

Here we go...

Darkness, everyone will go through darkness right. I mean it is the nature of the universe.
Like we have discussed previously that is the core of the life's purpose.
So we need to come out of darkness. Of late this is what I have learnt.

This is the story of a General who was a POW in Vietnam war. He was captured by the enemies and tortured. His fingers cut off, and brutally mutilated. He was tortured by the worst kind.
But he survived remarkably and at the end he was reunited with his beloved wife and now leads a happy life.

When asked how he was able to survive, these were his words.

"I never lost faith in the end of the story. Inever doubted not only that I would get out, but also that I would prevail in the end and turn the experience into the defining event of my life, which in retrospect, I would not trade."

Wow. So that is the optimism that made him survive. Right? No Wrong.

Again when asked ok so Who did not make it?

He said, oh the Optimists.

What? The Optimists, I dont understand, you may say. Here is his answer.

"Yes the Optimists, they are the ones who said, We'are going to be out by Christmas, And Christmas would come and go. Then they would say we would be out by Easter.

Easter would come and go. And then Thanksgiving, and then it would be Chrsitmas again.

And they died of broken heart.

This is a very important lesson. You must never confuse faith that you will prevail in the end - which you can never afford to lose - with the discipline to confront the most brutal facts of your current reality, whatever they might be"

Wow how profound is that?

I am the culprit of this undue optimism without the proper regard for the brutal facts.

I did so because I was in a rush to make a Queen Bee really a queen. But I guess I was wrong. It aint going to be hapening by Christmas.

But it will most certainly, and most definitely happen in the end.

So girl, we will get there. We will change the world. But it is going to take time and effort and lets plough through the course happily.

So long, to a happy, focused effort.

Do you want to know the 5 things to succeed?

Could you tell us five things that entrepreneurs must do to succeed?

  • Come up with a compelling idea.
  • Have a well thought out execution plan.
  • Execute as planned and demonstrate success quickly.
  • Be passionate about your idea, articulate it well.
  • Build a core team that buys into your idea.
--- Uma Ganesh, Ceo and Principal Consultant, Kalzoom Technologies.

How much would you spend?

Think about this for a second.

Lets say A professor from Stanford university, assembles a team of top notch world class researchers and begin a quest to find out what it is which makes a great success.

They research the data for years on to figure out what are the principal charesterstics of a compoany that actually kill the rest and destine to be the greatest among the rest.

And they finally figure it out after years of research and can tell you precisely what is it that made them great and the precise things that we can do to achieve the same greatness when implemented.

How much would you spend. I would personally spend atleast a few thousand dollars.

Well if you are into building anything, personal success, or a compoany or a business, whatever it is. Get your hands on this research. It only costs 20 bucks.

It is called Good To Great by Jim Collins.

Man it is one of the most insightful, and yet simplistically implementable principles i have ever seen.

Believe me I have been on this quest for about 10 years and have seen most of all the new age and management work.

Sunday, December 3, 2006

Fail Forward Fast

I have been thinking about failures and how disapponting they are and their effect on our performance.
For me atleast not only that failure or lost cause causes the disappoitment but it also reminds me of how lonely I am in terms of my quest for wealth. The lack of a loved one to rest a shoulder on will definitely hurt.

With all that said, I want to put the failures in perspective.

When you intend to go from Point A to Point B, or from here whereever you are to a point that you intend or desire to be FAST, there is only one thing that is most inevitable.

I guarantee that it is Failure which by definition would be to taste a different or a less desirable outcome than what we might expect. I mean no matter what field it is, what business, what ever it may be, Failure is inevitable ( for a worthy desire of course).

So with all this inevitability, how can we let this hinder our path to success. How can we lose the valuable energy, time, emotion, quality of life.

So from now on whenever we hit a failure we should really be happy that we are one step closer to the success than what it was before. Makes sense right.

Or better yet lets FAIL FORWARD FAST.

Do, Fail, check the gauge on what went wrong, adjust the rudder, do again, and the cycle goes on until the target is reached.

So DO NOT attach any emotions to failures. Makes sense right.

Hmmmm did we hear it in a religious text called Gita. DETACHMENT.

Keep a non chalant attitude towards the fruit, and ACT with all the focus.

Saturday, December 2, 2006

Think Certain Way

I take up a new challenge upon myself.

To take up a new career, a completely different path
than what I have did for the most part of professional
life as a daily laborer. (well anyone who actually
works to make that particular dollar is a laborer in my sense).
That is my personal opinion though. Lets not go there.

So now I am still going to be a daily wage worker but a different one.

I will become a SAP BW consultant. I have no freaking idea about this.

But from now on in one month I will end up in a job. Atleast with an offer
in hand.

Now "Think about Certain Way" come into play .

Let the game begin.

Friday, December 1, 2006

Have an Optimal Day

Somebody I know and respect a lot had said, Have an Optimal Day.
I have never heard anyone say that before. The usual things we hear is
have a wonderful, great, beautiful, blah blah blah day.
But never Optimal day.

When I looked at the meaning of the word it is actually pretty impressive.

Granted that we may not all the time have a great or a wonderful day.
We are all humans and we go through these phases and come across these stubling blocks,
hit failures, miss targets, get hurt by loved ones, or just wake up on the wrong side of the bed.

Damn looks like a lot os shit can happen in life.

Anyway with all these, no matter what our constraints or circumstances or we can have an Optimal day given those constraints. So it is within that spectrum, whatever the best is we can do it optimally and not worry about a bad day as such.

Because pretty soon, even the small inches we gain, can effect the landscape dramtically at the end of game.