Friday, December 1, 2006

Have an Optimal Day

Somebody I know and respect a lot had said, Have an Optimal Day.
I have never heard anyone say that before. The usual things we hear is
have a wonderful, great, beautiful, blah blah blah day.
But never Optimal day.

When I looked at the meaning of the word it is actually pretty impressive.

Granted that we may not all the time have a great or a wonderful day.
We are all humans and we go through these phases and come across these stubling blocks,
hit failures, miss targets, get hurt by loved ones, or just wake up on the wrong side of the bed.

Damn looks like a lot os shit can happen in life.

Anyway with all these, no matter what our constraints or circumstances or we can have an Optimal day given those constraints. So it is within that spectrum, whatever the best is we can do it optimally and not worry about a bad day as such.

Because pretty soon, even the small inches we gain, can effect the landscape dramtically at the end of game.

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